ACK! Sorry for posting to the user and not the list!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 1:51 PM,  <> wrote:

> Interesting how opinions can differ so much between reasonable people
> (which I'm pretty sure I am, and I'll assume you are).  In addition

I'm sure the list quality here (and has been in my experience) is
better than that of ubuntu-users, which is most of the time a helpful
list too, but if you're not lucky, you might get the help of An Inept
Person (and I'm sure JoeHill might be able to guess who it might be)
who usually doesn't offer any help, or if he does, the help he offers
has zero to do with the original question. There was a post today and
even I chimed in with what I thought were suggestions to see how I can
get him out of his mess - and he goes and thanks two people, one being
the Inept Person (tm) and I think I just wasted my time.

I don't do tech support or sysadmin for a career. But there are times
I think I can help too.

> to the few times that I've asked for (and even offered) help, I've
> gotten tons of useful info just lurking here.  In fact, one of the

Me too. I've been using Linux since well before Mandriva, and I
typically subscribe at first to the support lists for the distribution
I'm running at the moment, but Debian is of such use (although I
currently run 64 bit Ubuntu Jaunty) that many of the same helps
applies. I'd rather ask tech support questions here if they aren't
Ubuntu specific, or fnd some other mailing list that specializes in
the issue set directly (like gimp users or whatever it is for gimp
questions, as a off the cuff example).

(This addresses JoeHill's issue directly - I try to be careful about
mailing list posts to the subscriber too, thus eliminating double
posts, but hey, we're not perfect.)

thanks for letting me change the magnetic patterns on your hard disk.

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