18.10.2009 20:16, Jari Fredriksson kirjoitti:

18.10.2009 19:42, Paul E Condon kirjoitti:

I have a question about Debian whitelist that was prompted by this
Am I on the whitelist? I googled to find out how to find the answer.
The hits that I got all seemed to be rather old and likely out of date.
Is Debian whitelist an active part of Debian in year 2009? Does a user
need to be listed in it in order to get questions posted promptly?
The reason I ask is that I can't remember ever having inserted my name
onto the list, and all my problems with the list seem to have been not
with Debian, but with my ISP. Or maybe I'm fooling myself and Debian is
really at fault.

Not sure what you by a whitelist.. But they do use greylisting, new
posters get greylisted, but as more posts come, the greylisting will
ease off.

You have not being greylisted. As headers say

X-policyd-weight: using cached result; rate: -6.1

It seems you are whitelisted if I understand it right.

That X-policyd-weight seem not to say much after all. But there may be
also another header, which we do not get. X-Greylist comes when the user
is seen first time, I guess.

X-policyd-weight: using cached result; rate: -6.8
X-Greylist: delayed 1805 seconds by postgrey-1.31 at liszt; Sun, 18 Oct
2009 17:11:27 UTC


He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.
                -- J.R.R. Tolkien

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