On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 10:57:33AM +0100, Gilles Mocellin wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 07:12:10AM +1100, Alex Samad wrote:
> [...]
> > > 3) move the data to the external disk with pvmove (2 solutions)
> > >     - pvmove -n LV1 /dev/sdXY for each LV or
> > >     - pvmove /dev/sdAB /dev/sdXY for each PV in VG1 (if there is only 
> > > one, 
> > > it's just one command comparing to solution 1)
> > 
> > aren't you missing a step to that the pv out of the vggroup ?
> Yes, it's possible.
>     - vgreduce VG1 /dev/sdXY
> But, if he deletes VG1 after, it's not necessary to remove the PV.
> > > 4) deactivate VG1 on server 1
> > >      - vgchange -a n VG1 (you can delete it after, I don't think it's 
> > > wise to 
> > > delete it now)
> [...]
> Unless you speak about the PV on the external disk.
> Here, I must admit that I don't know if the data will be still there if
> we do a vgreduce of the PV containing it.
> I will do a test, as I want to know if what I said is possible !
> Soon here.

Well, it's not so easy.

Adding a PV with data to a VG does not bring the metadata and does not
make the LVs visible.

I manage to transfert LV via pvmove this way :

1) vgsplit to isolate the LVs to move in a separate VG (VGTEMP). If you want to 
move all the LVs,
no need to vgsplit.

2) Add a new PV to VGTEMP from an external drive (Here, I've just think you can
use a network exported block device, like nbd, iscsi, aoe)

3) pvmove from local PV to the external one

4) vgexport VGTEMP

5) move the external drive (or unexport/reexport the network block device)

6) pvscan eventually and vgimport VGTEMP

7) vgmerge VG2 VGTEMP

6) pvmove from external drive to local drives

7) vgreduce VG2 to remove external drive

I don't really think that this method is faster than a raw copy of the LV
block devices...

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