Modern xorg doesn't need a .conf file on the whole but I find that with funky screen sizes and quirky multi-monitor set-ups they are still necessary.

I never quite got 1366x768 the best I've done is 1360x768, I've frequently seen it said that horizontal resolutions must be divisible by 8 and thus have tried 1368x768 but I never got that to work.

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier      "Monitor"
        Option  "DPMS"  "true"
        VendorName      "sharp"
        ModelName       "Aquos LCD LC-32G2W"
        HorizSync    24.0 - 70.0 # From Xorg.log
        VertRefresh  49.0 - 86.0 # From PixClock max 110 MHz
        # Modline for Sharp Aquos
#Modeline "1368x768" 86.3605 1368 1378 1410 1788 768 778 783 805 -hsync -vsync Modeline "1360x768" 85.974 1360 1370 1402 1780 768 778 783 805 -hsync -vsync
        Modeline "1024x768" 78.26 1024 1056 1352 1384 768 783 792 807

The above modeline results in a 60Hz refresh rate, with the radeon driver at least I have to put
        Option "PanelSize" "1360x768"
in my "Device" section, a useful resource for calculating modelines is

God luck.

Alexander Kaphuk wrote:
I have installed Debian Lenny on a Compaq Presario. The screen resolution was automatically set to 1024x768. This resolution seems to be the highest available based on the output of 'xrandr'.
The native screen resolution for my laptop is 1366x768.
I'd appreciate anyone suggesting how to go about it.
Thanking you all in advance.
Alexander Kapshuk.

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