Dear Debian User,

I apologize for spamming you with this.

I kindly request you to take ten minutes to read my article under [1] on lbzip2, my parallel bzip2 utility, and to participate in this survey. Please choose exactly one of the four options below, and send me a mail with the corresponding mnemonic on the left as the sole word in the mail subject, and leave the mail body empty.


lbzip2-opt-1 -- I'd like to have lbzip2 available as a bzip2 alternative.

lbzip2-opt-2 -- I'd like to use lbzip2 as a bzip2 alternative only in combination with tar.

lbzip2-opt-3 -- I don't want to use lbzip2 as a bzip2 alternative in any way.

lbzip2-opt-4 -- I don't know / I don't care.


I've no idea of what volume of answers to expect; nonetheless, I plan to release a raw count for each option in the evening of 24-NOV-2009 +0100. I'll try to get a subscriber count for debian-user if it's public and calculate the option frequencies relative to the number of answers and to the number of all subscribers. The summary will be released under the CC-BY-SA v3.0 license, see [2].

I will not release the full corpus of answers for privacy reasons. I will send the corpus to any Debian Developer who wants to see it, in a gpg-encrypted attachment. I think a sufficiently anonymized corpus could be published, but I personally won't risk that.

(These last two paragraphs may be overkill for this survey. I'm trying to follow MJR's advice on surveys, see [3].)

As additional info on lbzip2's scaling, I mention [4].

Thank you very much,
Laszlo Ersek


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