On 23.11.2009 5:52, Jari Fredriksson wrote:
> On 23.11.2009 5:50, Jari Fredriksson wrote:
>> On 22.11.2009 23:34, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>>> Jari Fredriksson put forth on 11/22/2009 3:27 PM:
>>>> I believe it is a hardware problem. But still disk works, it loads
>>>> scripts from /etc/init.d. At least /etc/init.d/arno-firewall as it
>>>> printes the output to console.
>>>> Strange.
>>> A corrupt filesystem can cause a hard lock on boot as well.  Please
>>> provide the last dozen lines or so on the screen.  That may help
>>> immensely in troubleshooting this problem.
>> Thanks... But that is hard to provide, as I can't ssh into it. Had to
>> copy those info by hand from another monitor.
>> I got my net working by switchin the modem to routing mode with NAT and
>> setting its IP to the address of the Linux router.
>> Have to work on that machine later... I lost my firewall, as well as
>> amavisd-new (with ClamAV, F-Prot and BitDefender), they were working on
>> that machine, can can't setup those on any other machine (inefficient RAM..)
> I'll propably boot that machine with a Knoppix CD, and try to check the
> disks. And find logs..


It booted fine from a Knoppix CD, and everything looked good. The
problem was my late editing of an init script, which went waiting input
from user (a typo). Pressing Ctrl-C continued and finally I found the
bug in the script.


Q:      "What is the burning question on the mind of every dyslexic
A:      "Is there a dog?"

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