Rob Owens wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 05:19:56PM -0500, Chris Jones wrote:
>> I'm playing with the idea of copying my laptop's debian lenny partition
>> to a USB stick that I can take with me when traveling.
>> Since I can't be sure I'll have a machine with available space on the
>> HDD or be allowed to partition the drive, what I thought was that I
>> could have a bootable system on the USB stick and boot into it pretty
>> much as I would off of a live CD.
>> What I had in mind was as simple as:
>> . clone the lenny partition to /dev/sda1
>> . install grub to /dev/sda
>> . make adjustments to the contents of /dev/sda1
>> The trouble is that I don't have a machine that can boot off of a USB
>> stick to test ahead of time.
> I'm not sure that what you're planning won't work, but if I were you
> I'd do it like this:
> Create a live USB system (see my instructions in the "live cd/usb
> projects" thread).  Install all the same software as your current laptop
> ha.  Then transfer over your data.
> Supposedly you can test your USB image using Qemu, although I've never
> done it myself.
> -Rob

Hm, not necessary to install from scratch.

Just copy over to the usb and put in fstab and relevant files (grub,etc) the
disk id instead of /dev/sda (you need udev for this), so you can be sure to
use the same device no matter which id it sd id it gets assigned to.
recreate initrd and possibly hack it. For me I needed to add manually
command for inserting dm-mod and triggering vgscan/vgchange on a crypted
partition with lvm.
After playing a bit I managed it to get a working initrd. It's all mater of
initrd to get it running.

A major issue is that there are different machines on around with different
chipsets cpus etc, so you'll need more generic kernel and drivers ... may
be 386 to be sure it will run on each system, or get some 386, 586 and 686.


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