Chris Jones wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 06:04:03PM EST, Kent West wrote:
>> I've got a TeraStation Pro Network Attached Storage device connected to
>> a stable Debian box. I'm trying to free up some space by deleting old
>> backups, but have come across a file with a bad name. I'm smbmounting
>> the NAS to get to the file structure; I'm not real sure how the NAS
>> drives are formatted.
>> When I run "stat [tab key to autocomplete the name]" I get a different
>> node number often.
>> wes...@]]:/TERASTATIONBACKUP/RSYNC-BACKUP/home/web/html/mriggs/Archive/Spring
>> 2008/445:> stat Tentative\ Schedule\ \?��\ Math\ 445.pdf
>>   File: `Tentative Schedule ?\307\364 Math 445.pdf'
>>   Size: 49699         Blocks: 104        IO Block: 16384  regular file
>> Device: 11h/17d    Inode: 59670244    Links: 1
>> Access: (0766/-rwxrw-rw-)  Uid: (  101/    sshd)   Gid: (  100/   users)
>> Access: 2009-02-20 13:57:10.000000000 -0600
>> Modify: 2008-01-23 09:29:06.000000000 -0600
>> Change: 2009-02-20 13:57:08.000000000 -0600
>> wes...@]]:/TERASTATIONBACKUP/RSYNC-BACKUP/home/web/html/mriggs/Archive/Spring
>> 2008/445:> stat Tentative\ Schedule\ \?��\ Math\ 445.pdf
>> stat: cannot stat `Tentative Schedule ?\307\364 Math 445.pdf': No such
>> file or directory
>> (The second attempt was just to recall my history with the up arrow; I
>> have to fill in the stat command with the TAB key to get any data.)
>> Then I tried to delete the file with some magic I found via Google:
>> wes...@]]:/TERASTATIONBACKUP/RSYNC-BACKUP/home/web/html/mriggs/Archive/Spring
>> 2008/445:> find . -inum 59670414 -exec rm -i {} \;
>> rm: remove regular file `./Tentative Schedule ?\307\364 Math 445.pdf'? y
>> rm: cannot remove `./Tentative Schedule ?\307\364 Math 445.pdf': No such
>> file or directory
>> Then I try the stat command again, and find the inode number has changed:
>> wes...@]]:/TERASTATIONBACKUP/RSYNC-BACKUP/home/web/html/mriggs/Archive/Spring
>> 2008/445:> stat Tentative\ Schedule\ \?��\ Math\ 445.pdf
>>   File: `Tentative Schedule ?\307\364 Math 445.pdf'
>>   Size: 49699         Blocks: 104        IO Block: 16384  regular file
>> Device: 11h/17d    Inode: 59670677    Links: 1
>> Access: (0766/-rwxrw-rw-)  Uid: (  101/    sshd)   Gid: (  100/   users)
>> Access: 2009-02-20 13:57:10.000000000 -0600
>> Modify: 2008-01-23 09:29:06.000000000 -0600
>> Change: 2009-02-20 13:57:08.000000000 -0600
>> Any suggestions as to how I can delete this file?
> Looks like due to some kind of encoding mixup, the file name that is
> eventually passed to unlink does not match the name in the 'Archive'
> directory.
> I'd be tempted to create an ../Archive.bak directory, move everything
> apart from the file you can't delete to .bak directory, and do an 'rm
> -rf ../Archive' .. and if that works an 'mv ../Archive.bak ../Archive'.
> Another option that comes to mind is to use emacs' directory editing
> capabilities.
> On the other hand I'm not too sure about the file's inode changing from
> one stat command to the next. Maybe talk to the vendor's tech support?
> CJ
It's the only file now in the directory, and ... :

2008# rm -rf 445/
rm: cannot remove directory `445': Directory not empty

Kent West     <*)))><
Praise Yah! \o/

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