Hugo Vanwoerkom put forth on 12/18/2009 12:27 PM:
> Hi,
> I have a 4.5 year old Epox 8VTAI mobo whose battery has never been changed.
> I just noticed that the time does not step when the power is off.
> Is that because the battery is low on power?
> I don't suppose there is a way to change the battery without losing all
> the BIOS settings.
> What is a way to check the motherboard battery?

If it's 4.5 years old, don't test it, just replace it.  The mere fact
that you're even looking at the battery as a possible problem source
says it's dead.  5 years is about average life on these for systems that
are power cycled and left off overnight regularly.  I've had some last
10 years.  Then again, I never power my systems off, so my batteries
rarely cycle.  I dunno if Newegg ships to Mexico, but here's what you need:

Never buy just one of anything this cheap.  Buy at least 3, given the
cost of shipping, and the fact you might get one dead out of the
package.  You should be able to buy this locally somewhere though.  It's
a pretty standard watch battery size.  Pull it and take it to the
nearest store that sells camera and watch batteries.  Match it up and
buy a couple or three.  Usually the best place to find these in the U.S.
is drug stores.


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