Thanks Stan but my modem is powered from the PC - it has no other power supply. 
 (Here is a picture of the model I have, which I found on the internet: ).  And I wouldn't like to leave 
the PC on all the time, I don't think its power would be negligible, its fans 
make plenty of noise even when I am not doing anything on it.  The PC is nearly 
8 years old and has an Athlon CPU.

You may be relieved to hear though that I am thinking of changing to an ISP who 
will give me a wireless hub when I join up :-)

--- On Wed, 12/23/09, Stan Hoeppner <> wrote:
> > --- On Tue, 11/3/09,
> <>
> wrote:
> > This seems to have solved the problem, but there is
> one minor niggle left: when this line in inittab is being
> processed, pppd seems to crash out the first few times it is
> started - I assume for the same reason mentioned above, i.e.
> the ADSL modem is not yet ready - and this causes an error
> that it is "respawning too fast" and will be put on hold for
> 5 minutes (I don't have the exact text of the
> message).  Somehow though it is managing to get pppd
> running because when I log in, iceweasel can connect to the
> internet straight away.
> > 
> > I can probably work out a way to put in a delay
> between each respawn to stop this message, but if anyone has
> a good idea or knows the 'right' way to do this I'd be
> grateful.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.
> Why power off your modem?  Just leave it on all the
> time like most other people
> do.  Mine is on 24x7x365 and has been for many many
> years.  No problems.  DSL
> modem power consumption is in the single digit watt range
> if not down in the
> milli watt range, depending on model.  I.e. you won't
> see any difference on your
> electric bill.  For that matter, leaving your PC on
> all the time probably won't
> be noticeable either.
> --
> Stan


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