Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:
2009/12/27 Dave Witbrodt < Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:
        2009/12/27 Dave Witbrodt <
            Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:

               I have a cq40-115au latop with AMD Turion x2 RM-70 processor.

               I want to enable powernowd. After i compiled it from source

           Because you built your own, it becomes more difficult for the
           of us to help you.  The Debian 'powernowd' package has been
           from upstream to put its configuration options in
           /etc/default/powernowd.  My answers below are from my own
           experiences using the Debian 'powernowd' package; you will
        have to
           read the documentation in the source code, and figure out how to
           translate my answers to work for your own setup.  (In my view, it
           was a waste of time for you to compile your own 'powernowd',
           Debian already has the package.)

        i had removed it (now) with #make clean
        #rm -f /usr/bin/powernowd
         and installed powernowd package, enabled needed modules

        #modprobe cpufreq_userspace powernow-k8

    So, did that work or not?

i'm still having the same failure message, there's something amiss from what i had done?

Definitely.  If your setup was correct, it would be working.

I would like to see the output from the following commands:

    ls  -dl  /s*



    cat /etc/default/powernowd

    So, you have an old kernel that defaults to "performance".  That
    will cause your CPU to run at full speed, instead of cycling down
    when not needed.

this had caused my laptop to shutdown when playing games like secret maryo chronicles

That would be an overheating issue. You have a hardware problem with your laptop not keeping itself cool. CPU frequency controlling software is meant to extend your battery life, not to act as a bandaid for inadequate CPU cooling. Any time that you start using your laptop heavily, the software will boost the frequency and you will have the same problems with shutdowns anyway.

The only problems that will be solved by running 'powernowd' (or switching to CPU_FREQ_ONDEMAND) are longer battery life and lower temps when not being used for demanding tasks.

           What is in /etc/fstab?  If you installed using a
           Debian installer, you should have a line like this:

              sysfs  /sys  sysfs  defaults  0  0

        # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>
        proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0
        /dev/sda1       /               ext3    errors=remount-ro 0       1
        /dev/sda2       /home           ext3    defaults        0       2
        /dev/sda5       none            swap    sw              0       0
/dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
        sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0

    Looks OK.

the last line was just added by me

Oh, I misinterpreted your response as meaning it was already in 'fstab'. How did you install Debian, so that the sysfs line was _not_ in 'fstab' to begin with?


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