My system is a 1.8 GHz Pentium using Debian stable.  I update frequently

Several weeks ago, I started noticing that Iceweasel would sometimes
stop responding to mouse or keyboard inputs for about five seconds. 
After each such "hang" it would resume operating normally.

For example, while reading a web page I would try to scroll down by
clicking on the down arrow at the bottom of the scroll bar.  Nothing
would happen, so I would click once or twice again, with no response. 
After a few seconds, the window would suddenly scroll to the bottom of
the page - as if responding to all the backlogged mouse clicks.

I could not identify the problem with any particular software install or
update.  Of course, the problem may have been happening for weeks before
I noticed the pattern of "hangs". 

After some Googling, I thought the problem might be related to Java or
Flash, so in Edit-Preferences I disabled Java, and I installed
Flashblock   This appeared to have no effect on the frequency
with which the hangs occurred.

Also I tried to identify the problem with specific web sites.  I most
often had the problem on newspaper websites, e.g., but it seemed to occur intermittently on other
sites as well.  Because of the random nature of the problem I have not
been able to decide whether it occurs on all websites or just some websites.

To further isolate the problem I ran top in a Gnome terminal.  To be
specific, I ran terminal, su'ed to root, then

lucy:/home/jack# nice --adjustment=-20 top

I arranged the windows so that I could use iceweasel without covering up
the terminal window, then browsed until a "hang" happened.

What this showed was that during a "hang", iceweasel (firefox-bin) was
using close to 100% of the CPU.  However, this did not stop the terminal
or any other application from responding.  In fact, further testing
showed that during a hang, if I was quick, I could go to another
application window, use the mouse or keyboard and get a response, then
return to iceweasel, and iceweasel would still not respond until after a
significant delay.

By going to the terminal window that had top running, and hitting ^C
during a "hang", I captured the following top output - which is typical
of what I saw during hangs:

top - 15:57:35 up 28 days, 19:23,  3 users,  load average: 0.66, 0.62, 0.47
Tasks: 173 total,   3 running, 170 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 96.7%us,  2.6%sy,  0.0%ni,  0.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.3%hi,  0.3%si, 
Mem:    775980k total,   763664k used,    12316k free,    16904k buffers
Swap:  9767512k total,   118268k used,  9649244k free,   372708k cached

 6895 jack      20   0  216m 125m  21m R 93.0 16.5   2:48.19
 6027 root      10 -10  114m  26m 7460 S  6.6  3.5   5:04.60
 7022 root       0 -20  2520 1176  884 R  0.7  0.2   0:00.10
    1 root      20   0  2100  428  400 S  0.0  0.1   0:21.94

If anyone can identify this problem, or offer suggestions about how to
further narrow it down, I would appreciate it.

Jack Dodds

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