Paul E Condon <>:
>  On 20100106_033032, s. keeling wrote:
> > 
> > first time.  I just installed both squeeze(?)/testing and OpenBSD 4.6.
> > 
> > How do I add the latter to testing's grub?  /boot/grub/menu.lst
> > doesn't exist, and /boot/grub contains stuff I've never seen before.
>  Testing uses grub2 by default.  
>  # update-grub<cr> 
>  creates a new grub.cfg file, which is the replacement for menu.lst,
>  based on info in certain magical locations in /etc. If you have an
>  incomplete list of installed kernels after a fresh install, just rerun
>  update-grub, and that should fix it. 
>  YMMV, HTH, etc, etc

Thanks.  I'm beginning to think reportbug is going to be the solution
to this.  I've created a generic menu.lst, run update-grub numerous
times, reinstalled grub2, replaced it with grub-legacy, ...

The suggested "grub-config" doesn't exist (apt-file search doesn't
find it), update-grub complains bitterly about the ptns:

  [ 1326.943454 ] UFS-fs error (device hda1): ufs_check_page: \
    bad entry in directory #2 ...

I've added OBSD to /etc/grub.d/40_custom ...  No joy.

On top of that, once logged in via gdm, my mouse goes invisible.  Great.
Classic "Debian gotcha's".  Exactly why I want to run testing on my
sandbox.  :-)

Neither grub2 nor grub-legacy ever offer OBSD as a boot option.  I'd
be happy to go forward w grub2 if I can get it to work.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)      Linux Counter #80292
- -    Please, don't Cc: me.

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