On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 07:01:16PM +0000, Adam Hardy wrote:
> I'm installing stuff onto a vserver which I have just got, and
> according to the sysadmin at the hosting provider, due to their
> set-up, I can't configure exim to listen on, I have to use
> the given IP address.
> In case that doesn't make sense, I mean that I am not supposed to
> get this netstat output:
> tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN
> It should listen like this (or all hell breaks loose on their server farm):
> tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
> where is the static IP I've been given (which is then
> NAT'd by the hosting provider to something else).
> My vserver set-up has very simple requirements - I just want the
> system to send out emails generated on the system locally, e.g.
> piping command output to mailx
> Any enlightenment much appreciated
not sure why listening to isn't going to work. 

can I suggest if all you want is outbound mail maybe look at nullmailer

> Adam

"I think it's important to bring somebody from outside the system, the judicial 
system, somebody that hasn't been on the bench and, therefore, there's not a 
lot of opinions for people to look at."

        - George W. Bush
Washington, DC
On the nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court

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