On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 07:15:19AM +0100, Vadkan Jozsef wrote:
> sorry:D
> i wanted to write: it's not working. :\

what happens when you type ulimit -a

plus you need 

# Sets up user limits according to /etc/security/limits.conf
# (Replaces the use of /etc/limits in old login)
session    required   pam_limits.so

in your /etc/pam.d/login file

> On k, 2010-01-26 at 19:42 -0500, Stephen Powell wrote:
> > On 2010-01-01 at 19:04:22 -0500, Vadkan Jozsef wrote:
> > > i wrote this two lines:
> > > 
> > > *    hard    nofile    10240
> > > *    soft    nofile    10240
> > > 
> > > in /etc/security/limits.conf, reboot
> > > but its now working.
> > 
> > That does not make sense.  Do you mean "and it's now working",


> > or do you mean "but it's not working"?

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