On Thu, 2010-02-04 at 16:22 +0100, Klistvud wrote:
> Dne, 04. 02. 2010 14:57:37 je Adam Hardy napisal(a):
> > 
> > How does normalize-audio know that one cd is the sound of pins  
> > dropping but the next cd is elephants charging? I mean, I don't want  
> > those cds to be literally the same volume, I want them to keep their  
> > relative volume difference, but just to adjust the absolute level to  
> > a standard.
> > 
> > Or is that some Holy Grail that you can't do?
> Common sense tells me that any software that wants to normalize audio  
> levels, must probably scan the entire sound clip, find the loudest  
> passage within the clip, and set that passage to the reference 0 db  
> loudness. All the other passages in the clip just get set to an   
> accordingly lower level, and that's that. The same goes for entire CDs:  
> you find the loudest signal in the entire CD, and then proceed  
> accordingly.

FWIW, the replaygain algorithm uses a more advanced psycho-acoustic
model to determine loudness than just "maximum amplitude".

I know you are talking about .wav and .flac, but I've used:


for normalizing the respective audio files. Both of those packages use
the replaygain algorithm.

Matt Zagrabelny - mzagr...@d.umn.edu - (218) 726 8844
University of Minnesota Duluth
Information Technology Systems & Services
PGP key 4096R/42A00942 2009-12-16
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-Jim Elliot

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