On Wed, Feb 03, 2010 at 05:52:49PM -0500, Thomas H. George wrote:
> I find I now have vmlinuz-2.6.32-trunk-amd64 in my boot directory.
> Added, I guess, as part of a recent dist-upgrade though I didn't notice it
> (careless) in the list of new items to be installed.
> grub has added this kernel image to the top of the boot list but trying
> to boot with it ends in kernel panic, can't find root directory.  This
I had a similiar problem when upgrading to 2.6.32-6, what I did to fix
it was rebuild the initrd - some reason grub or mkinitrd had failed when
doing it during the linux-image install

> is not catastrophic as the system still boots and functions perfectly
> with vzlimuz-2.6.30-2-amd64.
> I assume this will be corrected in due course but I am curious, what is
> the significance of the trunk designation?

"I'm also mindful that man should never try to put words in God's mouth. I 
mean, we should never ascribe natural disasters or anything else, to God. We 
are in no way, shape, or form should a human being, play God."

        - George W. Bush
Washington, DC
Appearing on ABC's 20/20

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