On Sun, Feb 07, 2010 at 06:02:30PM -0500, Stephen Powell wrote:

> I have been having trouble lately with losing access to my graphical console.
> The basic symptom is that I am in the graphical console, I switch to a text
> console via Ctrl+Alt+F1, do some stuff in the text console, then when I
> attempt to switch back to the graphical console again with Alt+F7, I get
> a black screen.  I can then switch back to console number 1 simply by
> using Alt+F1.  I don't need to include the Ctrl key.  This would normally
> indicate to me that the X server died somehow, except that "ps aux"
> still shows processes associated with the X server, such as gdm, active.
> I am running the GNOME desktop on a Debian "testing" system.  All packages
> are from testing, none are from unstable.  I can't swear to this, but
> I think my troubles began with kernel 2.6.32.  One scenario that often
> causes this failure is when the little "sun" icon appears in the upper
> right corner, indicating that there are updates available.  I switch
> to text console number 1 via Ctrl+Alt+F1, login as root, run "dselect
> update", "aptitude -R full-upgrade", and "aptitude clean".  I then attempt
> to switch back to the graphical desktop with Alt+F7 to cleanly shut
> things down in preparation for a reboot.  But I can't get there.
> Has anybody else seen or heard of this problem?  I did some internet
> searches, but didn't turn up anything that looked promising.

Have you checked Alt+F8, Alt+F9, possibly even beyond? On one of my
systems, for reasons that are still unclear to me, GDM occasionally runs
somewhere between tty8-10 after I've logged in and out a few times. I
can only guess it's restarting before it's fully stopped.


Do you mean that you not only want a wrong answer, but a certain wrong answer?
                -- Tobaben

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