>On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 12:51 AM, Bret Busby <b...@busby.net> wrote:

> >I have basically given up on the idea of buying a new computer to upgrade
> from what I have now.
> >
> >If the computer manufacturers make it clear to us that they want us to not
> buy their products, then I suppose that we should, in that regard, respect
> their wishes.
> >
> >Apart from HP's apparent new hostility toward Linux, I had approached two
> local computer shops regarding desktops that have quad core CPU's and 8GB
> RAM, that they have advertised.

FWIW, I reached a similar conclusion recently.  My solution: bought a 5 year
old Dell (laptop) from ebay for $180, the type with ATI not nVidia graphics
card in it and an Intel wifi card.  I have found, in general, Dell's
hardware (excluding nVidia and Broadcom) to be pretty Linux friendly,
particularly on the 5-year old type machines.  Plus, you can buy their
netbooks and some cheaper laptops now with Ubuntu instead of Windows.  While
it isn't Debian, at least they aren't actively anti-Linux.  Maybe they are
preparing to be more Linux-friendly with the impending Google OS "Chrome"
scheduled for release later in 2010.

That is the newest machine in my house.  The oldest is from 1997.

My $0.02, keep the change.


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