On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 11:16:57AM +0100, Marius wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm using the xfce4-terminal and GNU screen.
> However since ... forever I have stuff in my .screenrc that made
> it recently stopped when I switched to Debian and xfce's term:
> defscrollback 5000
> termcapinfo xterm|xterms|xs|rxvt ti@:te
> xfce4's terminal settings reflect an xterm. rxvt and other
> terminal emulators - when I press pageUP so scroll, simply go back
> in my shell history. 
> Does anybody have a proper working config for me? Cold help a lot.
not sure I undestand, but

I use two methods shift-pageup and ctrl-x and then arrows keys, my magic
key is ctrl-x not ctrl-a 

> Best,
> Marius

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        - George W. Bush
While speaking about KIPP Academy in Houston, TX

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