Dear fellow Debian users,

For years, I've been using apt-get happily.  Now I wanted to switch to
aptitude because it is supposed to resolve conflicts better but I find
myself unable to tame it.  Any hints are highly appreciated.

My system is in a state which apt-get finds acceptable:

argo:~# apt-get install
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

But aptitude goes bonkers

argo:~# aptitude install -vv --show-deps --without-recommends
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Done
Writing extended state information... Done
Reading task descriptions... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  acl alacarte app-install-data bittornado bittornado-gui brasero
  brasero-common capplets-data cdrdao celestia-common
  celestia-common-nonfree celestia-gnome check conky console-setup
  console-terminus cpufrequtils deskbar-applet devicekit-power
  dhcp-client diff dosemu dvd+rw-tools dwm{a} (D: gdm, R: dwm-tools, R:
  xinit, S: gnome-settings-daemon) dwm-tools emacs22 emacs22-bin-common
  emacs22-common emacs22-common-non-dfsg emacs22-el
  evolution-data-server evolution-data-server-common feynmf{a} (R:
  texlive-metapost) gnome-about gnome-applets gnome-applets-data
  gnome-control-center gnome-desktop-data gnome-doc-utils gnome-media
  gnome-media-common gnome-menus gnome-netstatus-applet gnome-panel
  gnome-panel-data gnome-power-manager gnome-screensaver gnome-session
  gnome-session-bin gnome-session-common{a} (D: gnome-session)
  gnome-settings-daemon gnome-system-monitor gnome-user-guide
  gnome-utils googleearth-package gqview gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly
  gvfs-backends htdig jackd kde-icons-oxygen khelpcenter4 lacheck
  ladcca2 libapm1 libarchive1 libbeagle1 libblas-test
  libboost-date-time1.39.0 libboost-filesystem1.39.0
  libboost-graph1.39.0 libboost-iostreams1.39.0
  libboost-program-options1.39.0 libboost-python1.39.0
  libboost-regex1.39.0 libboost-serialization1.39.0
  libboost-signals1.39.0 libboost-system1.39.0 libboost-test1.39.0
  libboost-thread1.39.0 libboost-wave1.39.0 libbrasero-media0
  libburn4{a} (D: libbrasero-media0) libcairo-perl libcamel1.2-14
  libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk0 libcanberra0 libcdio-paranoia0
  libcpufreq0 libdevkit-power-gobject1 libdvbpsi5 libebackend1.2-0
  libebml0 libebook1.2-9 libecal1.2-7 libedata-book1.2-2
  libedata-cal1.2-6 libedataserver1.2-11 libedataserverui1.2-8
  libegroupwise1.2-13 libgail-common libgdata-google1.2-1 libgdata1.2-1
  libgdict-1.0-6 libglib-perl libgmime-2.4-2 libgnome-desktop-2-11
  libgnome-media0 libgnome-window-settings1 libgnome2-canvas-perl
  libgnome2-perl libgnome2-vfs-perl libgnomekbd-common libgnomekbd4
  libgtk2-perl libgtkglext1 libgucharmap7 libgweather-common
  libgweather1 libical0 libisofs6{a} (D: libbrasero-media0) libjpeg7
  libmalaga7 libmatroska0 libmetacity-private0 libmpcdec3 libmpeg2-4
  libnet-dbus-perl liboobs-1-4 libopencore-amrnb0 libopencore-amrwb0
  libpam-gnome-keyring{a} (R: gnome-keyring, R: gnome-screensaver, S:
  gdm, R: libpam-gnome-keyring) libpanel-applet2-0 libpango-perl
  libpopt-dev libpulse-mainloop-glib0 librarian0 libsidplay1 libslab0a
  libtar libtdb1 libtie-ixhash-perl libtotem-plparser12
  libtrackerclient0 libunique-1.0-0 libupnp3 libvlc2 libvlccore2
  libxml-twig-perl libxml-xpathengine-perl linux-doc-2.6.30
  linux-image-2.6.30-2-amd64 menu-xdg{a} (D: gnome-panel) metacity
  metacity-common nano nautilus nautilus-data purifyeps{a} (R:
  texlive-extra-utils) python-beagle python-crypto python-dbus
  python-eggtrayicon python-gconf python-gmenu python-gnome2
  python-gnomeapplet python-gnomedesktop python-gnomekeyring
  python-libxml2 python-markdown python-pyorbit python-wnck
  python-wxgtk2.8 python-wxversion python-xlib rarian-compat
  scrollkeeper stellarium stellarium-data synaptic system-tools-backends
  tex4ht tex4ht-common texlive-bibtex-extra texlive-extra-utils
  texlive-font-utils texlive-fonts-extra texlive-fonts-extra-doc
  texlive-fonts-recommended-doc texlive-generic-extra texlive-humanities
  texlive-humanities-doc texlive-lang-croatian texlive-lang-cyrillic
  texlive-lang-czechslovak texlive-lang-danish texlive-lang-dutch
  texlive-lang-finnish texlive-lang-french texlive-lang-german
  texlive-lang-greek texlive-lang-hungarian texlive-lang-italian
  texlive-lang-latin texlive-lang-mongolian texlive-lang-norwegian
  texlive-lang-other texlive-lang-polish texlive-lang-portuguese
  texlive-lang-spanish texlive-lang-swedish texlive-lang-vietnamese
  texlive-latex-base-doc texlive-latex-extra-doc
  texlive-latex-recommended-doc texlive-math-extra texlive-metapost{a}
  (D: purifyeps, S: feynmf) texlive-metapost-doc{a} (R:
  texlive-metapost) texlive-pictures-doc texlive-pstricks-doc
  texlive-publishers texlive-publishers-doc texlive-science-doc vlc
  vlc-data vlc-nox vlc-plugin-pulse{a} (R: vlc) xli xscreensaver
  xscreensaver-data xserver-xorg-input-kbd xserver-xorg-input-mouse
  xserver-xorg-video-dummy xserver-xorg-video-glint xsltproc yelp
The following packages are RECOMMENDED but will NOT be installed:
  jackd-firewire (R: jackd) rss-glx (R: gnome-screensaver) xindy (R:
The following packages are SUGGESTED but will NOT be installed:
  aolserver4-core (S: global, S: htdig) aolserver4-daemon (S: global, S:
  htdig) apache2-mpm-event (S: global, S: htdig) apache2-mpm-itk (S:
  global, S: htdig) apache2-mpm-prefork (S: global, S: htdig)
  apache2-mpm-worker (S: global, S: htdig) boa (S: global, S: htdig)
  bozohttpd (S: global, S: htdig) caudium (S: global, S: htdig) cdrskin
  (S: dvd+rw-tools) cherokee (S: global, S: htdig) cm-super (S:
  texlive-fonts-extra) dhttpd (S: global, S: htdig) dvdauthor (S:
  libbrasero-media0) dvidvi (S: texlive-extra-utils) dwww (S: doc-base,
  S: synaptic) ebhttpd (S: global, S: htdig) editra (S: python-wxgtk2.8)
  eog (S: gnupg, S: nautilus) epiphany-browser (R: devscripts, R:
  xdg-utils, S: debian-faq, S: doc-debian, S: global, S: gnome-panel, S:
  gnumeric, S: gsl-ref-html, S: man-db, S: stl-manual, S: xpdf-reader,
  S: xscreensaver) evolution (S: evolution-data-server, S: exim4-base,
  S: gnome-panel) evolution-data-server-dbg (S: evolution-data-server)
  fnord (S: global, S: htdig) fragmaster (S: texlive-extra-utils)
  gcalctool (S: gnome-utils) gnome-themes (S: metacity) gnote (S:
  gnome-applets) hddtemp (S: conky) htdig-doc (S: htdig) jack-tools (S:
  jackd) latexmk (S: texlive-extra-utils) libcanberra-pulse (S:
  libcanberra0) libgtk2-perl-doc (S: libgtk2-perl) libjackasyn0 (S:
  jackd) libunicode-map8-perl (S: libxml-twig-perl) lighttpd (S: global,
  S: htdig) mathopd (S: global, S: htdig) meterbridge (S: jackd)
  micro-httpd (S: global, S: htdig) mini-httpd (S: global, S: htdig)
  monkey (S: global, S: htdig) mozilla-plugin-vlc (S: vlc) mpd (S:
  conky) nginx (S: global, S: htdig) obexd-client (S: gvfs-backends)
  ocsigen (S: global, S: htdig) pulseaudio (S: gnome-media, S:
  libpulse0) python-crypto-dbg (S: python-crypto) python-dbus-dbg (S:
  python-dbus) python-dbus-doc (S: python-dbus) python-gnome2-doc (S:
  python-gconf, S: python-gnome2) scalable-cyrfonts-tex (S:
  texlive-lang-cyrillic) sidplay-base (S: libsidplay1) streamer (S:
  xscreensaver) t1utils (S: texlive-font-utils) thttpd (S: global, S:
  htdig) tntnet (S: global, S: htdig) tomboy (S: gnome-applets) tracker
  (S: nautilus) vcdimager (S: libbrasero-media0) videolan-doc (S: vlc)
  webfs (S: global, S: htdig) wwwoffle (S: htdig) wx2.8-doc (S:
  libwxbase2.8-dev, S: libwxgtk2.8-dev, S: python-wxgtk2.8)
  wx2.8-examples (S: python-wxgtk2.8) xdaliclock (S: xscreensaver)
  xfishtank (S: xscreensaver) xml-twig-tools (S: libxml-twig-perl)
  xscreensaver-gl (S: xscreensaver) xsidplay (S: libsidplay1) yaws (S:
  global, S: htdig)
0 packages upgraded, 238 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 911MB of archives. After unpacking 1784MB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]

My /etc/apt/sources.list contains Debian testing, unstable &
experimental and my /etc/apt/preferences is

Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 500

Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 300

Package: *
Pin: release a=experimental
Pin-Priority: 200

Otherwise, my apt configuration should be standard.

Why, for heaven's sake, does aptitude want to install "stellarium"?  It
does not know itself:

argo:~# aptitude why stellarium
Unable to find a reason to install stellarium.



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