On Monday 01 March 2010 13:59:23 Carlos Williams wrote:
> I am trying to install Debian (Testing) via 'netinst' disk and for
> some reason am completely unable to install Debian w/o Exim. It
> appears that Cron is a default package and depends on Exim.

Or any other mail-transport-daemon.

> Does
> anyone know how I can completely omit this from a fresh Debian
> install?

I think installing postfix at the same time or before cron should do it.  I 
usually install a very minimal system and them build up from there outside of 
the installer.

I can't remember if this brought in exim4-daemon-light.

> When I run:
> apt-get remove --purge exim4

I'm not sure exactly how apt-get handles this situation, but the exim4 package 
doesn't contain most of the files that are part of an exim4 installation.  The 
binaries are shipped in package exim4-daemon-light or exim4-daemon-heavy; the 
docs are in another package; the debconf stuff is in exim4-config.

So, even though you specified 'remove' and '--purge', I'm not convinced you've 
told your package manager to get rid of all files exim4-related.

> I am still left with tons of man pages, config files, user accounts
> (Debian-exim) for the application I just removed. Basically I am left
> with a bunch if orphaned junk files for an application I never wanted
> to have installed to begin with.

IIRC, user accounts aren't removed, even on purge.  Something do to with not 
wanting the have the UID get reused by an unrelated program.  I could be wrong 
though, e.g. if that UID (range) is statically allocated by Debian.

> Any advice?

After installing an alternate mail-transport-agent (aptitude search '~c').  If 
that shows any packages, you may want to (aptitude purge '~c').
> *PS - I am trying to use Postfix for a replacement MTA and even when I
> install Postfix, 

Postfix works well in the Debian environment, or so I'm told.

> it auto removes Exim4 however still leaves all the
> orphaned files and junk.*

I'm not convinced this is a statement of fact, but depending on how the 
installer does things it could be accurate.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.
b...@iguanasuicide.net                  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'
http://iguanasuicide.net/                    \_/

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