lrhorer wrote:
        I loaded up an embedded system with Debian recently.  I was having
problems relating to the older kernel in Lenny, so I want ahead and
installed Squeeze.  I got things working, but I was mortified with
KDE4, which installed with Squeeze.  It's horrible.  I mean really,
really bad. KDE3 wasn't exactly spectacular, but it was good enough. This hunk of junk, though, is really quite unacceptable. Ignoring the
fact that Kpackage was just plain broken - which I assume will be fixed
before Squeeze goes gold - the UI for KDE4 is brain dead.  I have
several servers and a couple of workstations which will sooner or later
need to be upgraded to Squeeze, but I do not want KDE4 on them in the
shape it is now.  Is there a way to allow everything else to upgrade,
but hold back KDE and its dependants?  Barring that, is there a way to
get KDE4 to look and behave like KDE3?

I have been using kde4 for over a year. The only issues that I have had are the lack of a couple of programs that haven't been ported from kde3 to kde4 yet but I have managed with out them. You didn't explain what your problems are with kde4 so I am going to have to guess here. Yes the UI and desktop are alittle bit different. But after poking around in the options for about 2 hours I managed to get kde4 working just about the same as kde3.


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