Michael D Schleif wrote:


I have just discovered a serious mis-judgment by the spamassassin folks,
or possibly by the debian maintainer of spamassassin!


This file contains ``Default whitelists'' ... ``addresses which send
mail that is often tagged (incorrectly) as spam ...''


I don't know about any of you; but, I really want the opportunity -- up
front -- to decide *FOR MYSELF* whether or not I consider the email sent
to me from these sites to be spam.

I'm not sure what "up front" would be for you, or for others. Perhaps you would have been happy to see orbitz.com in the 'blacklist' rules by default. I've not used spamassassin for a while and it wasn't a Debian package when I did, so I have no experiance with how it is set up.

Your idea of 'deciding for yourself what is spam or not' sounds reasonable. From what I remember of spamassassin there were so many rules that it might be best to just say 'it's installed, but it wont do anything for you until you read all the documentation and configure every detail.' If that's what it does, then all the rule lists should be empty by default. It's not like squid, which can filter junk out of web content but works just fine as a web cache without any of the filtering rules.

Are there some filtering rules on by default? If so, maybe I'd be as upset if I was getting my Orbitz notices and they stopped working after installing spamassassin, but I couldn't figure out how to turn it on. I know this is a weak point, but someone must prefer the settings that are in the package.

Frankly, I regularly receive spam from orbitz, and recently I have received spam from amazon. By spam, I mean email for which I have made *NO* request, and have no desire to receive . . .

What do you think?

Well, with such an open invitation how can I resist?
If those rules are default in a fresh install of spamassassin, you should file a bug report for spamassassin.


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