Camaleón wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 18:35:21 +0100, Merciadri Luca wrote:
>> After having deleted the content of a folder of mine (on an external
>> HDD), clicking on the empty folder's icon gives me an empty folder (that
>> is normal), but the cursor keeps being a `hand' (just like when one can
>> click one something). Note that I have activated the `one-click to open
>> a folder' mode.
>> It is definitively not normal. 
> Not, it's not :-)
> (I mean, not happening here, in lenny)
>> Any idea?
> Some tests/questions:
> - Does this also happen on local (non-usb) and empty folders?
> - Does this happen if you select the "double-click method" (just for 
> testing purposes)?
> - Does it happen if you login with another fresh-created user?
> There was only once that I experienced weird things with icons but was on 
> a virtual machine running virtualbox. I updated the kernel on that VM and 
> forgot to update "guest additions" which gave something like you are 
> seeing now (mouse cursor not detecting the object it was over)

Merciadri Luca
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