Tom H put forth on 3/17/2010 7:25 AM:
>> I got this warning from nagios about one of my debian systems
>> DISK WARNING - free space: /var 426 GB (54% inode=99%): / 6 GB (1%
>> inode=89%): /boot 173 GB (99% inode=99%):
>> I am runnig backuppc on this server and I guess it is those hardlinks
>> that are consuming the inodes.
>> Is there any way to increase the inode nos?
> If this is extX, AFAIK you have to back up you data, re-run mkfs with
> "-N <inodecount>" to change the inode count, and restore your data.

May as well use "mkfs.xfs" instead, and never have to worry about inodes
again.  XFS uses variable inodes and thus never runs out.


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