Ron Johnson wrote:
On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 12:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 03:27:47PM +0200, Joris Lambrecht wrote:


Considering that my wife is reluctantly using Linux for college, I can't
afford any bad press.

Oh, please!  MS products are chock full of bugs, and is wide open
to worms and viruses...  I'm reluctant enough that we don't use any
MS products at home, and laugh while watching sobig and msblaster
bounce off our machines.

You and I know that.

But she only knows that everyone else except me uses Windows and Office products. And when something goes wrong with anything it must be because I am doing something different from everyone else.

It falls into the mantra of "must conform".

Who does not love wine, women, and song,
Remains a fool his whole life long.
                -- Johann Heinrich Voss

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