----- Original Message -----
From: Jari Fredriksson <ja...@iki.fi>
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:24 pm
Subject: bind9 rndc reload problem
To: Debian Users list <debian-user@lists.debian.org>

> When I command "rndc reload", this will be written to daemon.log
> Apr  1 04:13:17 spitfire named[19287]: received control 
> channel command
> 'reload'
> Apr  1 04:13:17 spitfire named[19287]: loading 
> configuration from
> '/etc/bind/named.conf'
> Apr  1 04:13:17 spitfire named[19287]: using default 
> UDP/IPv4 port
> range: [1024, 65535]
> Apr  1 04:13:17 spitfire named[19287]: using default 
> UDP/IPv6 port
> range: [1024, 65535]
> Apr  1 04:13:17 spitfire named[19287]: reloading 
> configuration succeeded
> Apr  1 04:13:17 spitfire named[19287]: reloading zones succeeded
> All seems good. But no, if I have changed, or modified the zone 
> records,for example added or removed an address, the changes do 
> not show!
> Using Debian Lenny, BIND 9.6.1-P3
> I tried to google, but could not find a suitable solution.
> The new configuration comes alive if I do a restart for bind, 
> but that
> reload does not make it.
> The configuration files are as follows:
> /etc/bind/named.conf
>     |
>     /etc/bind/named.conf.local
>          |
> /etc/bind/myzone.hosts
> I think this is how it is supposed to be in Debian.
> So.
> 1. I change a zone file
> 2. I add one to serial in the zone file
> 3. I command "rndc reload"
> 4. rndc connects to named, and all seems good
> 5. changes do not show up :(
> Any ideas?

 Are you changing the serial number in the zone file?  Generally, a good way to 
create the serial number is to use the format of:
 Y = Year
 M = Month
 D = Day
 N = revision number starting at 00
 So if you edit the file on March 31, 2010, you would make the serial number 
2010033100.  If you edit it again on the same day, you would just increment the 
last digit.  You should update the serial number in any zone file you edit 
before running "rndc reload".
     - Dave

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