Camaleón wrote:
On Sat, 10 Apr 2010 12:25:32 +0200, steef wrote:

Camaleón wrote:

I would first try with "nv" driver (no 3D accel) to discard the freeze
coming from another source. If using "nv" driver and you get no more
freezes, then you can safely blame the nvidia driver and try by
searching your same issue in the usual way:


thanks for your answers.  i tried to install xserver-xorg-video-nv on my
(simple) machine asusrock g41m-s with the bios adapted. i could of
course install the nv-driver but this driver did not appesr in /etc/X11.
maybe a hardware problem: a bad card or something like that???
As Andrei already posted, you need to define what driver to use. So,
after installing "nv" package you have to add the following lines in /etc/

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Configured Video Device"
        Driver          "nv"

And the restart.

Once you login, look at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" file to check the NV driver
is being loaded correctly.

before that i tried (after having used the newest nvidia-driver) it with
several older nvidia-drivers, startting with the 185&&  grom their site.
no good results: my machine-screens keep freezing with a moving mouse
and anything else stuck completely. again: a hardware problem???
Hard to tell.

Nvidia drivers were having some problems with KDE4 (2/3 years ago) when
compositing was enabled but nowadays these erros should have gone.

yut i am not stuck myself. i hung my hanss-g cable on the onboard
intel-x4500 chip, loaded up xserver-xorg-video-intel and now everything
is working ok, but somewhat less sophisticated): i can go on keeping the
books of our business.

please! some further suggestions??
Try to load "nv" driver and see what happens.


thank you, camaleón.

i replaced already the "nvidia"-driver with "nv" and the freezing-problem disappeared complaetely (so: no hardware problem) but kaffeine behaves funny on .avi and or .mpeg4 files &&. that is, i think, because of the fact that i use (just to try out) the upstart-file that the sgfxi script made in my X11 file (the last time i installed the latest nvidia-driver out of /usr/local/bin with the sgfxi-script. very convenient!

now i gonna follow your advice and put back my native debian xorg.conf into X11 and put your 'section-advice' in it and see what hasppens, especially with kaffeine (and gmplayer, svn variant)

thank you very much and also thanks for everybody who took time to answer to my problem;

i'll let you know what happens

many regards,


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