On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 17:31:54 -0400, Celejar wrote:

>> Ed Jabbour <edj...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> I edited /etc/resolv.conf to add a nameserver, edited
>> etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf to do the same and added the dns to wicd.  
>> However, I keep getting the same old dns from the router, i.e., 
>> resolv.conf keeps changing to the router's 192 ip.  The router does not
>> allow editing dns.  I think this is due to using dhcp.  Is there an
>> alternative which wouldn't cause a default to the router's dns?  Any 
>> pointers appreciated.
>Do 'man dhclient.conf' and look at the prepend and supersede options.

I had already done that.  I tried either one and both.  I had also already 
done the wicd gui edit.  As I said above, my chosen dns doesn't stick, as 
resolv.conf keeps reverting to the router's.   

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