Ron Johnson wrote:
> On 2010-04-20 07:27, Merciadri Luca wrote:
> [snip]
> Haven't Academicians had this problem for centuries?  How have the
> rest of them solved it in the past 30 years?
Sure. I don't know precisely.
> In addition to a watermark, in both the header and footer I'd write
> something like:
> Original research of Merciadri Luca, University of Blah, 15-Apr-2010
One can still chop off header and footers. That is fairly easy.
> If I were paranoid, I'd then print multiple copies and file them with
> your adviser, the Office of Academic Responsibility, get it
> stamped/dated by a Notary Public[0], etc, etc.
> [0]
Nice idea. I will think about these solutions for the next time, if any.

To come back to the main topic, I am
* happy to see that Debian's tools (like any other free tools) let the
user choose (or at least oblige him to follow the `free' path) about
what he can do with a protected document;
* (still, but about something else now) questioning: are there any
(free, naturally) packages/programs which can take watermarks out of
documents, and which can deliberately (i.e. it is one of their main
features) unprotect a PDF document? I ask this because this would follow
the `Free' philosophy, but by litteraly encasing one's liberty. I don't
even want names, I just want to know if it exists in Debian's repos.

Merciadri Luca
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First deserve, then desire.

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