> It doesn't matter what the remote system is, as long as it has telnet,
> which I'm assuming it does, since that's what you originally asked about.
>  To be able to help, we would need to know the output you are getting when
> you run it, and probably the contents of the expect script that you are
> using (edit out any passwords).
> Please find below my simple expect telnet script :
>set name
>spawn telnet $name
>set cmd1 command1
>set cmd2 logout
>send "$cmd1"
>send "$cmd2"
When I try for this procedure , I just see loging in and loging out from the
telnet session . Actually , I need to have the output result of issuing
'command1' on the remote node to be captured on my local host . But when I
try manually , say telnet to it and issue the command , I see the output on
my screen . Please help me how to modify my simple code to have the desired
Thank you

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