On 05/12/2010 07:03 PM, Stefan Monnier wrote:
>> The 64-bit vs 32-bit argument is multi-faceted.  It gets much deeper than
>> just addressing more than 3GB of RAM:
>> * twice the transfer width on the bus
> Nope, no difference on the bus.   Most accesses will be
> cache-line-sized anyway at that level.

You're kidding, right? You can push twice the data, which means faster
CPU to memory utilization for CPU intensive applications. Flash anyone?

>> * no memory split issues
> For <=3GB systems, that makes no difference.  And as someone running
> a bigmem kernel on a 4GB system, I can say that even for other systems,
> it's not necessarily relevant.

It's very relevant. You must not have run into this issue much. 4:4
kernel splits are the best you can do on a 32-bit system, but it comes
at a performance cost. Splitting and performance are never an issue on
64-bit until you've reache 17 EB of RAM.

>> * increased virtual address space
> Right.  Unlikely he'll ever notice it.

Whether he will or won't isn't the issue. I'm not discussing use cases,
I'm discussing the facts on why 64-bit is superior to 32-bit.

>> * more breathing room for mmap()'d files
> Again, unlikely he'll ever notice it (otherwise he wouldn't have asked).

See above.

>> * deeper nested system calls with increased stability
> I see no evidence of increased stability and have no idea what you want
> to say with "deeper nested system calls".

I'll give you an example. Use XFS on LVM, and export the mount over NFS.
The nested system calls in this scenario will cause a kernel oops on any
4K 32-bit kernel nearly every time (the default for Debian GNU/Linux,
Fedora, Ubuntu, openSUSE, etc). On a 64-bit kernel, because you have the
ability to make deeper nested system calls, you have stability in your
infrastructure. Something that couldn't be achieved with a 32-bit kernel.

>> * certain applications and operations will execute faster
> Yup.  And others will be slower since you'll have to move around more
> data (up to twice as much if your data is made up mostly of pointers),
> which means that the apparent cache and RAM size will end up
> being reduced.

The same would be said for a 32-bit application implemented the same
way. Poor software development is hardly an argument against choosing a
CPU architecture.

>> If you have the hardware, you should definitely be running a 64-bit
>> operating system, even if you don't have 4GB+ of RAM.
> If you have to ask, you probably won't notice any difference
> either way.

To each their own. I for one want to get my money out of my hardware. If
you don't want a 64-bit system, then why did you pay for it?

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