Jozsi Vadkan wrote:

or maybe in bash..
script/"one liner" e.g.: input:

i want to make this output from it:

So from the input, i want to make an ascendant order, how many things
are under a "SOMETHING-XX"

Does anyone has any "perl magic" in the pocket, how to do this? :D

Thank you very, very much..:\

Assuming you can rely on the positions of the blank lines, this seems to work. Should be easy to change if you want to rely on SOMETHING being at the beginning.

perl -e '$f=1; while(<>) { chomp; if ($_ eq "") { $f=1 } else { if ($f) { $x{$_}=[]; $k=$_; $f=0 } else { push @{$x{$k}}, $_ } } } for(sort keys %x) { print $_, "\n", join("\n", @{$x{$_}}), "\n\n" }'

There's probably a perl hacker or two who can do it neater, but as I say, it seems to work ;)

Chris Jackson
Shadowcat Systems Ltd.

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