AG wrote:
> Merciadri, I think that the closest you will come to this under GNOME
> is to do the following:
> On the panel options, go to System/ Administration and then Services. 
> This will allow you to identify those services you want available to
> you at start up.  Not quite the same as the Xfce4 option Andrei
> mentioned, but as close as you are likely to get with GNOME.
Nice idea, but all the listed services (winbind, anacron, atd,
alsa-utils, nfs-kernel-server, samba, gdm, smartmontools, exim4,
fetchmail, avahi-daemon, acpid, rsync, ssh, dbus, apache2) are already
activated. :-(

P.S.: My surname is actually `Luca' but that does not matter. This is my
fault: I misconfigured the client some years ago, and then, to be
logical with my error, I kept with it.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

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