Marc Shapiro wrote:

> My wife has an early eeepc with a 4GB SSD running Xandros.  She would like
> to change the OS so that she can install other software easily.  I have a
> newer eeepc with a 160GB HD that came with the OS that must not be named
> and now also has Eeebuntu 3.0.
> I wanted to install Debian on my eeepc.

identify your drive i.e.

sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdd
   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdd1   *           1          17      136521   83  Linux
/dev/sdd2              18        9729    78011640   83  Linux

using the legacy version of grub you can identify the system in charge

grub> find /grub/menu.lst
find /grub/menu.lst
find /grub/menu.lst
grub> root (hd3)
grub> setup (hd3,0)

if /boot is on the root partition then use "find /boot/grub/menu.lst"

then probably you'ld fix your boot properties to use UID for boot and give a
root=UUID=... as kernel option for booting 


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