On Sunday 20 June 2010 19:53:42 Disc Magnet wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 4:58 PM, Greg Madden <gomadtr...@gci.net> wrote:
> > The business card iso does not have  much, it sets up a network
> > connection and downloads everything..so you need a net connection. The
> > netinstall iso has the base system on it so you have a minimal install
> > to work with, none of the 'standard' set of packages no X. So CD1 would
> > be useful if you don't have a net connection.
> Thanks for your explanations, Greg and Michael. It was lucid and very
> helpful. I have one more question, Greg.
> Why do you say that CD1 would be useful if we don't have a net
> connection. It seems that the netinstall can install a base system as
> well. I hope netinstall would install a system with the basic tools
> like ls, aptitude, vim, etc. If so, netinstall is good enough to setup
> a minimal install and download the remaining packages from internet
> whenever I need using aptitude. Am I right?
The netinstall CD *does* contain the base system and aptitude but it does not 
contain vim, etc. so you need to connect to the Internet to install useful 
packages after installing the base system.
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