On Ma, 22 iun 10, 00:56:53, Jason Filippou wrote:
> I had a look at my grub.cfg and didn't see a "menuentry" corresponding
> to the windows partition, even after running update-grub. What are the
> steps that I need to follow in order to dual boot my system? The only
> OS I have currently access to through Grub is Debian (with the option
> of two kernels, but that's not really relevant).

Grub does not detect other OSes, the package os-prober does. Make sure 
it is installed and rerun update-grub.

If it still won't detect your Windows you can try also writing a custom 
entry in the file /etc/grub.d/40_custom, but I bet the os-prober 
maintainer would want to know about it.

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