
For one week now, I sometimes `loose' any access to the LAN and the WAN.
Here is the way I am connected to the Internet:

ISP (house's wall) -> ISP modem (RJ-45) -> D-Link DIR-635 router (RJ-45)
-> Switch (RJ-45) -> (this computer).

When trying to use my Internet connection, I sometimes encounter some
load page error from Firefox. Checking the modem's LEDs, I notice that
the RECEIVING and SENDING LEDs are then constantly lighted. Well, this
is not normal. I then try to go to my router's webpage, i.e.
(this is my (LAN) DHCP server for ->, and
it does not load. I then reset the router, and everything then works
right once the router has acquired the IP from my ISP's DHCP server. But
if I switch off the router, say, for 10 mins, for example, the modem
continues lightning its LEDs. But when the router is re-plugged, and an
IP address is acquired from my ISP's DHCP server, the modem turns off
the two respective LEDs, and everything is okay on the computers.

First, I thought that I had some vulnerability (open port, etc.), which
was responsible of the sending/receiving operations of my modem, but, as
deactivating the router does not change anything to the modem state (it
still keeps receiving and sending), it should not be a vulnerability.
(Moreover, there is no reason to it.)

I then thought that the modem was defective, but if it was the only
defective device in my installation, why am I sometimes unable to access
the router's webpage (and the Internet, accessorily)?

And let the modem be defective. Then, the router should also be
defective, but there is no reason to it, as it is brand new, both are on
the UPS, and always worked fine.

I can't understand this problem. Any idea?


Merciadri Luca
See http://www.student.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~merciadri/
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