Alan Chandler wrote:
> On 30/06/10 09:29, Merciadri Luca wrote:
>> I find this perfect, but it should be coupled with the impossibility of
>> putting on two partitions the same stuff, i.e. putting /var on two
>> partitions, for example.
> You are still talking backwards
> You put the partition (/dev/sdXY) on /var not the other way round. 
> You DON'T put /var on /dev/sdXY
> If you imagine there is a conceptual drawing of the tree starting at /
> and including all the major mount points - with the non standard mount
> points being creatable manually, and somewhere below a list of
> unallocated partitions.
> Then you could drag any partition (from the unallocated list or from
> another mount point) and drop it on mount point you wanted.  If that
> mount point already had a partition at that point it would warn you,
> and if you said continue would move the old partition back into the
> unallocated list. If you said don't continue it would leave the old
> one where it was and the new one would return from whence it came.
That's the way it should be done. But it isn't.

Merciadri Luca
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The heart has reasons that reason does not understand. (Jacques Bossuet)

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