
According to the spec sheet on the Atom N450 it has a single core,
though it does support two threads. However, linuxinfo (replaces
cpuinfo I suppose) says two unknown processors.

r...@hpm210:/home/arthur/Misc/Linux/2.6.34-1# linuxinfo
Linux HPm210 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Tue Jun 1 04:59:47 UTC 2010
Two Intel Unknown 1666MHz processors, 6650.42 total bogomips, 1011M RAM

Strangely, that's not the correct amount of ram in the system.

r...@hpm210:/home/arthur/Misc/Linux/2.6.34-1# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          2014       1377        636          0          6       1186
-/+ buffers/cache:        184       1830
Swap:         1972          0       1971

Anyway, as you can see from the current directory, the reason I'm
asking about the number of cpu's cores in the atom n450 is that I'm
rolling my own kernel hoping a newer version will be able to get the
freq down to 800mhz same as windows, currently reporting that it can
only go as low as 1000. Also want to optimize for the atom processor
and build in all modules needed for hardware.

The Linux Kernel in a Nutshell book has got me pretty far, but I can't
solve this cpu thing and hoping someone can weigh in with some
friendly advice. The help in kernel config says things will run better
if I don't enable smp on a single cpu system. Hence, the question to
you, lazyweb, with much appreciation in advance.

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