On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Mark <mamar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2010/8/14 Stanisław Findeisen <s...@eisenbits.homelinux.net>
>> Hi
>> I am trying to use a 802.11 wireless network that frequently disconnects
>> me (low signal). The network is protected with WPA pre-shared key. The
>> problem is I am being prompted for this key every time.
>> Well, almost every. When I log in, I do not have to type the key. It is
>> stored in the GNOME keyring (I use nm-editor 0.6.6 for that).
>> But then, when it disconnects, I have to type it again and again. Why?
>> And sometimes it doesn't prompt me, and failes to authenticate also. :-|
>> I had to delete the network entry from the GNOME keyring (nm-editor),
>> get *prompted* for the key, and *then* I was authenticated. 8-|
>> What's wrong??!
> I had a similar issue a while ago on a friend's machine and wondered the
> same thing.  Searched for days before finally finding a solution somewhere
> buried deep in the Ubuntu forums; your nm-editor hack sounds familiar.  My
> friend's machine had auto login which caused the issue with wpa encryption.
> It was on Debian Lenny.
P.S. that was when I officially gave up on Network Manager for wireless
devices running wpa.  I only use wicd for wifi now, and have zero problems,
so you may want to consider that option.

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