also sprach Stan Hoeppner <> [2010.08.16.1923 +0200]:
> > … until your controller dies and you find out that the manufacturer
> > does not support the firmware anymore and your data are lost.
> Ever heard of spares?  If not you've not been in this game long.

I've had cases where the spares simply didn't want to work anymore,
after lying around all this time, or where the surrounding hardware
failed and no other hardware could actually address the spares

> > Do you have research backing that up?
> You're kidding right?  If not, Google is your friend here.

Google has never been my friend, and likely won't ever be.

So far, I have yet to meet a statistic that credibly backs up this
claim, given that performance is generally bound by spindles these

Your expensive hardware RAID card might well out-perform mdadm on
a Pentium with 15000 RPM drives, but with a modern processor, I have
yet to witness the kernel to be the bottleneck.

> DIMM failure, extended power outage, kernel panic, colo personnel
> reboot the wrong box in a rack, etc, etc, etc.  Sounds like you
> are new.

The chance of these happening after a degradation of an array is
proportional to the admin slack in replacing the drive; and, as you
said, there are "spares" (with a different meaning, in this case).

Before you reply, consider there is a chance of two drives dying at
once, or the controller going belly-up.

But of course, I don't have to explain this to such a seasoned
person as you. I wonder why you even bother to write in about mdadm.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"menschen, welche rasch feuer fangen,
 werden schnell kalt und sind daher im ganzen unzuverlässig."
                                                 - friedrich nietzsche

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