Camaleón wrote:

> > On Fri, 03 Sep 2010 13:34:40 +0200, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
> >
>> >> Camaleón writes:
>> >>
>>> >>> You can run "/sbin/ifconfig" in the old desktop PC to find out the IP
>>> >>> address in use.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>>From the old desktop:
>> >>
>> >> # ifconfig
>> >> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:19:cb:d7:b6:c5
>> >>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
> >
> > O.k. so your old desktop is not getting any IP ("" is the
> > loopback address). [...]

And is also on the "lo" interface where it should be. Not quite sure how
you've managed that, but I might be minded to double check that
/etc/network/interfaces file (on "old desktop").

Everything has an "lo" interface on, that's correct; it's not
the "main" address and is inaccessible from outside the host itself.
It's called the loopback and is used for where you need to make an ip
connection, but fold it back onto a server program running locally (you
can do this with an external address too, but "lo" is there for if
you're not running one, or it's not up at the moment, etc.). "eth"
interfaces shouldn't have this address.

Chris Jackson
Shadowcat Systems Ltd.

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