Jordon Bedwell wrote at 2010-09-04 05:19 -0500:
> On 9/4/2010 5:16 AM, Fatih Tiryakioglu wrote:
> > I wanted to remove trash folder, but home folder/home/user is gone. There 
> > was only one user. I couldn't start any program. When I restarted computer, 
> > I couldn't login. How can I recover system. Please help..
> Can you elaborate "removed"? rm -rf is irrecoverable by normal means.

If your /home/user directory really has been deleted and you would like to 
attempt recovery, the first thing to do is avoid making any further writes to 
the filesystem the directory was on.

Otherwise you can as root create /home/user, copy in the contents of /etc/skel, 
set the permissions, and then try logging in.

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