On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 17:27, Tom Allison wrote:
> Tom Allison wrote:
> > I ran into a problem installing X and running as non-root "mkdtemp: 
> > private socket dir: Permission denied"
> > 
> > Root works fine, but no one else does.
> > 
> > help?
> I was searching through the archives and found this earlier.  Apparently the 
> problem is in /tmp.
> it's owned by root.root and cannot be used by anyone else.
> This isn't a bug?
> How do I fix this?
as root:

chmod +t /tmp

REMEMBER ED CURRY! http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry

Your raw sensuality flusters me as the dog sneezes into the ventilation

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