brownh <> wrote:
>At present, I have three or four hosts on a LAN, and I can ssh from
>each one to the others. The problem arises because of what I want to
>do in the immediate future. One of the hosts on the LAN is a laptop,
>and I'll be taking it into the field and would like to ssh from it via
>Internet using someone else's access provider. Simply, I want to
>access files on the machine left running at home on the LAN from a
>laptop I take into the field. I assumed that a test of this would be
>to ssh from one machine on my LAN to another on the LAN via Internet
>by providing an address to ssh in the form $ ssh acco...@domain.

This sounds sensible, you just have to make sure that this is the
right host.

>These machines all have the domain name
>(although I have other domains I could use as well). Each machine has
>its own local domain name. For example, my current machine has an
>account brownh on My laptop has an
>account brownh on The machine
>I've used to illstrate my problem has an account haines on
> (You are too young to know who
>Fritz Teufel and Rainer Langhans were).

I *think* I’ve heard of them before and “Historical Materialism” is
definitely a household name to me :)

>I've been trying to ssh via Internet from the client account brownh on
> to the server account haines on
>  What I don't understand is why my
>router, which has SSH service enabled, does not simply redirect a ssh
>request from one machine on the LAN to another machine having the same
>domain name directly rather than send it off to my provider. Maybe
>I've invented by problem by using an impossible situation as my test

I don’t know your router and thus cannot comment on this.

>> Also:
>>>  $ ssh -vv
>> You tell ssh to log in as user haines on the host
>> here.
>Yes I do in the sense that user brownh on one machine seeks to ssh to
>account haines on another. Is that incorrect?

No, that is correct.

>When I try to log in,
>I'm given the prompt: "'s password:",
>and so I type in the password for the haines account on that other
>(server) machine.

I wonder why you get I would have
assumed that, after your router forwarded the connection to your
specific host it would be or

>>>     ...
>>>     debug1: Next authentication method: password
>>>'s password: 
>> But here, your username is suddenly engels – why?
>I can't reproduce this (result of an experiment?). What I get is:
>  debug1: Next authentication method: password
>'s password: 
>  debug2: we sent a password packet, wait for reply
>  debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password
>  Permission denied, please try again.
>'s password: 
>  debug2: we sent a password packet, wait for reply
>  Connection closed by

Do you use NAT or something similiar in your network?

>Interesting. This IP address is one owned by my Interet provider. So
>my ssh request did enter the Internet, answering one of my
>concerns. Although my provider closed the connection (timed out or too
>many password attempts?), I assume that the issue of the specific
>password is soley the concern of the two hosts being connected and
>does not involve either my router or access provider.

I don’t know. This *somehow* looks as if you are trying to connect to
the host, which just doesn’t sound right
if you don’t have a host of that name.

Best regards,

Claudius Hubig
"It's not just a computer -- it's your ass."
                -- Cal Keegan

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