Hey guys,
I am running the 64bit version of Squeeze. I am sure you guys have heard
about the issues surrounding CVE-2010-3081 as it has made all kinds of
news this past weekend. I have done some reading on it and while I am
not paranoid enough to yank the connection from the wall, I must admit
that with almost every one of my tech news sources freaking out about it
these past few days I am being tempted by all the fear-mongering media

When I first saw the Debian advisory[1] I just brushed it off and
thought nothing of it. It seemed to have already been patched so I would
simply update the next time I saw that there was a kernel update.
However, the tracker[2] is still showing it to be vulnerable in Squeeze.

[1] http://www.debian.org/security/2010/dsa-2110
[2] http://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2010-3081

Ksplice seems to be toting a patch as well as a scanner[3], but one look
at the scanner code and I am not entirely sure I want to run it. Any
code this obfuscated gives me the creeps. I have to side with /. on this
one[4]. I checked around and was unable to find anything about
chkrootkit being able to detect this one yet.

[3] https://www.ksplice.com/uptrack/cve-2010-3081.ssi.xhtml
[4] http://linux.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1792608&cid=33632118

I thought I would check in with the list before I go too crazy. Anyone
know when the patch is going to be pushed out to Squeeze? Anyone know
when/if there will be a vulnerability scanner for this that doesn't look
so scary? Have I missed something that makes all this pointless? :-P


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