In <>, Joe wrote:
>On 11/10/10 17:35, Klistvud wrote:
>> Dne, 11. 10. 2010 17:44:51 je Jennie Kingsland napisal(a):
>>> There must be a way when directly at the server to cancel the radius and
>>> get logged in? As I've mentioned CTRL C doesn't work.
>It should. Works For Me (tm). But as suggested, bring up a second screen
>and kill it from there.
>>> Also I guess I shouldn't be using radius -X in my startup script, to
>>> prevent this problem is there something else I should be using? I tried
>>> using radius -x (the small x) and I hit enter and then no process for
>>> radius starts so I'm a bit confused.
>No, you use -X to sort out problems. In particular, nobody will lift a
>finger to help with a freeradius problem unless you do start it in debug
>mode and publish the output along with your enquiry. It's not a trivial
>program. But use debug in a spare terminal. I've been making two ssh
>connections, and leaving one running the -X option.
>I wouldn't have thought you'd normally use any flag at startup.
>Configuration should already be in place in the appropriate files.
>> As a rule, services in Debian are configured by the install scripts. If
>> you installed radius from official repositories, it should "just work".
>> Why are you trying to run it via a hand-made "startup-script"? Are you
>> positive you're not complicating things unnecessarily?
>> I apologize if my ramblings make no sense, but I've never used radius in
>> my life.
>Freeradius is a bit of a nuisance. I'm sure there's an excellent reason
>for this, but although Debian packages both freeradius and openssl, it
>refuses to package freeradius with openssl support.

Most likely because of licensing issues.  OpenSSL is under a license that has 
restrictions not in the GPL.  The FSF's interpretation of the GPL is that 
everything linked (even dynamically) into a single binary is a single "work" 
under copyright.[1]  The GPL requires that no additional restrictions be added 
to the ones it places.  This means that combining GPL source with the OpenSSL 
source to produce a program/library/package results in a work with no valid 
license; and Debian can't distribute copyrighted works without a valid 
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.                   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'                    \_/

[1]  The only time I ever read anything written by a lawyer on the topic, his 
opinion was that dynamic linking doesn't create a combined work.

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