Thus spake Karsten M. Self:
> allow use of a slow but quiet and cool PPro 180Mhz 256MB as X

> The notably exception is Galeon,
> particularly when opening or closing tabs.  Scrolling pages can be jumpy
> (wheel mouse).  Otherwise, once a page is loaded, response is pretty
> good.  I use a userContent.css with on-hover highlighting of links --
> this responds quickly (pretty much instantaneously).  It's the tab
> open/clse events which seem to throw it.

Just out of curiosity, are you using antialiased fonts?  If so, have you
tried disabling them?  It very well may not give you any difference in
performance, but if I'm thinking properly the antialiasing will be
happening on the client end (i.e., the slow machine), which could in
theory cause some icky slowness.

Nathan Poznick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Whenever they test nuclear bombs, it's the monsters who suffer." -**.

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